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Exercise Strength Rubber Bands


Item ID: ESB-0.5 (Red)
   ESB-0.75 (Black)
   ESB-1.25 (Purple)
   ESB-1.75 (Green)
   ESB-2.5 (Blue)

Detail description:

The Apollo Athletics ESB series are heavy duty latex rubber loops (40" long and 3/16" thick) offering variable weight resistance, and available in 6 color coded widths/resistance levels* for hundreds of exercise options. So, you are sure to find the ideal band for your exercise needs!

As part of a complete training system, use the ESB for a comprehensive workout program, and as an integral aid in many other workout programs, including CrossFit training. Bands help stimulate and optimize your muscles with eccentric and concentric tension that is always changing.The kinetic energy generated using bands helps stimulate and strengthen the stabilizing muscles that are necessary for healthy joint function. They work out leg muscles, provide resistance for walks, shuffles, and lunges, and help prevent and rehabilitate sprained ankles.

Using bands for PULL-UPS? The ESB are going to give you that extra amount of assistance to get you started completing pull-ups or will help you get that extra repetition you have been looking for. Using bands for RESISTANCE TRAINING? ESB are easy to take anywhere for a workout anytime!


* Both Home and Commercial Usage

* Properties:

ESB-0.5RED5 ~ 25 LB0.22 OZ
ESB-0.75BLACK5 ~ 35 LB0.36 OZ
ESB-1.25PURPLE30 ~ 65 LB0.64 OZ
ESB-1.75GREEN60 ~ 100 LB0.9 LB
ESB-2.5BLUE70 ~ 150 LB1.3 LB

* Warranty: 120 days Limited Warranty

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